Thursday, August 9, 2018

Streetcar Station On Route 66

A recent trip to Branson, Missouri included an extra day to make a quick trip to Kansas and Oklahoma. The highlight of the Oklahoma part of the adventure was passing through the various Native American Nations. However, the visit to Galena, Kansas yielded unanticipated enjoyment for this writer and his family. 

In all honesty, I was just wanting to add the two states to my list of visited states and selected Galena because of its proximity to Branson. While driving in Galena, I realized I was traveling over a portion of Historic Route 66. That was an added bonus! After parking in an angled parking spot in the downtown, we walked through the business district until we came to a restaurant called Streetcar Station. We arrived around 10:30 in the morning and had the place to ourselves. 

My expectations were to use the restroom and have a danish and be on our way. However, once we started talking to the proprietor, our few minutes became an hour. The owner told us his wife had made the sweets that morning and that his brother-in-law painted the mural of a streetcar on the restaurant's wall. He also told us that the chamber of commerce paid for the mural at the top of this page.

He then asked us if we had seen the movie "Cars". We all admitted we had, even though none of us had children. Then, with a smile, he told us that a local truck had been the inspiration for "Mater" and suggested we drive down the street to see it before we continued on our journey. It's not often we get an opportunity to meet our cartoon heroes, so we took a few more minutes to see "Mater" before leaving Galena.

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